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MALAYSIA Malaysia is one of the most popular tourist destinations for people who are looking to have a holiday in Southeast Asia. Its refined culture paired with the friendly people and the interesting juxtaposition of its tropical beaches and its cosmopolitan vibe has a sort of magnetic allure to it that changes the way people look at Malaysia tourism. People love Kuala Lumpur, its capital for the cheap shopping opportunities - be it accessories, clothes or electronics. But tourists also love to go on a Malaysia tour so they can visit places like Langkawi, Penang, or Terengganu. The charm about Malaysian tourism is that all the exotica is firmly rooted in culture and belief and tradition. Another aspect that draws people here is that Malaysia is fairly inexpensive when compared to other holiday destinations. Whether it’s places to stay or sightseeing options or even food, Malaysia is easy on the pocket. It’s no wonder then that people find their way to Malaysia during their holidays.

Malaysia is one of the most popular tourist destinations for people who are looking to have a holiday in Southeast Asia. Its refined culture paired with the friendly people and the interesting juxtaposition of its tropical beaches and its cosmopolitan vibe has a sort of magnetic allure to it that changes the way people look at Malaysia tourism. People love Kuala Lumpur, its capital for the cheap shopping opportunities - be it accessories, clothes or electronics.
But tourists also love to go on a Malaysia tour so they can visit places like Langkawi, Penang, or Terengganu. The charm about Malaysian tourism is that all the exotica is firmly rooted in culture and belief and tradition. Another aspect that draws people here is that Malaysia is fairly inexpensive when compared to other holiday destinations. Whether it’s places to stay or sightseeing options or even food, Malaysia is easy on the pocket. It’s no wonder then that people find their way to Malaysia during their holidays.
Every year, Malaysia finds itself inundated with numerous visitors from all over the world. People love the country for various reasons – there are fun activities for people of all ages, and there’s so much to see and explore, especially with regard to the flora and fauna or even architectural wonders. If you’re planning a Malaysia trip , then do the wise thing. Visit the SOTC website first and check out some of the great deals and offers available there.

Malaysia Geography Malaysia lies in the equatorial region and is surrounded by other countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, and is even connected to Singapore by a narrow causeway. Malaysia’s landscape is comprised of coastal plains, hills and mountains and some of the mountains are heavily forested as well. Malaysia is also surrounded by more than 800 islands although 535 of these are as yet unnamed.

Malaysia Climate Malaysia’s proximity to the equator results in its warm tropical climate throughout the year although rainfall might be a deterrent if plans are being made for a beach vacation. Malaysia sees two monsoons every year which means that the months from May to September and November to March could see either thunderstorms or sporadic rain showers. In places like Kuala Lumpur, the rain doesn’t really make a difference as there are numerous indoor activities but it’s a good idea to check for weather conditions before leaving. Coastal areas do get affected by rain so do bear that in mind.

Malaysia Culture Malaysia’s culture is rather unique thanks to influences from its Malay, Chinese and Indian population. Many people from different cultures have settled here because of Malaysia’s world class infrastructure and simultaneous down-to-earth appeal. The resultant mix is a potpourri of cultures, a coming together and embracing of differences. Visitors on a Malaysia tour will see various instances of this happy co-existence - be it in the mosques or the temples or the way everyone gets involved during the Chinese New Year. Festivals are celebrated with a great deal of enthusiasm here and there’s always something happening.

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